- It provides my students with more opportunities to make choices and work independently! This is HUGE! Right now things are hard, we are more restricted in what we can and cannot do in so many areas of our life and ANY time I can give students ownership of their own time and provide them with choices I am ALL ABOUT IT!
- Students can reuse the same choice board for a week or more (I actually use the same one for the month! There are enough choices and variety with what is linked and so I don't feel the need to update it more often than this, which if you know my work harder not smarter lifestyle, is basically a miracle.)
- The hyperlinks make it super easy for my students to navigate to the intended activity or website AND depending on what I link, can restrict them from going to anything unintended (I'll go more into my shoutout to video.link & how it allows you to safely provide your students with links to YouTube videos without the worry of what they could accidentally stumble upon).

Friday, November 6, 2020
How Google Slides Saved Me During Distance Learning
Saturday, October 17, 2020Hey Guys!
If you follow me on Insta or follow my TPT store for updates, you know I have been HUGE into Google Slides since the start of Distance Learning in the Spring. I am not going to pretend that I wasn't a die hard Microsoft Office fan. In fact, I STILL love using PowerPoint for fancy fonts and creating backgrounds for things (such as my Google Slides activities!)... BUT when school buildings were shut down in March I needed a way to collaborate with my colleagues and provide effective instruction without any of the thousands of visuals, schedules, behavior supports and other adapted materials that I use daily with my students. I'm going to show you my top 3 favorite ways to use Google Slides for instruction which I will absolutely continue to use once we are back in person and far beyond this very, different school year.
- Group Meet Slides - I generally create templates of the lessons I'll use for each class with a Schedule, Rules, intro activities (for some classes I use a stretch/warm up, others it is a game, challenge or question of the day), class activity (I embed a theme based lesson here) and end of class activities (this may be dance videos, drawing videos, a wrap up/check in Google Form, another fun activity, points check ins, etc. depends on the class!). Check out this video for the routines and activities I have set up for one of my classes: CLICK HERE
- Individual Meet Slides - Similarly to group meets, I set up a deck of Google Slides for individual instruction meets. The slides will generally start off with the basics (rules & anything they may need to gather for class) and then there will be an intro slide & links for each of the goals I plan to work on that day. I LOVE using even MORE Google Slides activities as what I have linked so that I can work with the student in the same slide/see their real time performance. I also do include things which I simply share on the screen for them to look at or as prompts for staff. Here is a video overview of how I am doing this as well: CLICK HERE
- SIDENOTE: I also LOVE the number of prompts I can embed into slides within seconds if a student is struggling. One day I shared on Instagram that I embedded a number line for a learner on the Files by Year goal and guess what, I did that in less than a minute during the session by simply asking the student to stop and wait, adding in a text box and then typing the dates in sequence to be used as a reference. So text boxes are awesome for this as well as adding a circle (with the center transparent) or a bright colored arrow to show a student where to find information.

Distance Learning & Virtual Job Exploration
Saturday, September 12, 2020Hi Guys!
I know a lot of us are struggling right now when it comes to teaching hands on job skills to our learners during this challenging period. For those who are teaching in person, there are likely many restrictions which do not allow your students to work in the community or really even around the school itself on top of limiting shared materials, teacher prompting and proximity, etc. For those like myself who are teaching remotely, it feels impossible. But it isn't. None of this is ideal, that's certainly true. However, there are LOTS of ways you can continue to work on exploring careers and learning job skills virtually!
There are two main ways I have worked on these skills since distance learning began in the spring and I am hoping to expand on how I address these needs this fall:
1. Career exploration videos:
- I have used a TON of videos from Career One Stop in lessons with my students. I do really like this website because they have lots and lots of videos and other information related to lots and lots of jobs. My only challenge with this website is that the videos themselves generally were fast paced and covered a lot of content in a short time, making it hard for some of my students to really follow what was happening. This varied by video & I have some students who these videos worked great for. Definitely worth checking out.
- I have also found LOTS of great videos on YouTube (always preview these videos before sharing with your students, and I advise using the Safe You Tube website to generate a link that will only grant access to that video rather than allow your students to click and scroll their way through questionable content on YouTube...). I found so many videos which were an actual walk through of the job or provided a clear model of specific job tasks for things like stocking supplies or merchandise, busing a table, and more!
- It takes some patience as you wade through all that is out there, but there are definitely worthwhile videos within both of these sites (and likely other websites as well!).
2. Simulated Job Tasks: There are plenty of ways to approach this, here are some of my ideas as well as ways I have approached this so far.
- BOOM Cards - There are TONS of free career focused activities out there! I know there are lots of high quality paid resources as well. There are lots of you out there creating your OWN BOOM decks - well you impress me! I have yet to even try, though it is on my list so maybe that will change soon.
- Interactive Google Slides - I have been working very hard on this, as I always believe that our students do best with HANDS ON practice. Although these digital practice activities look different from what our students will face once they are out in the workforce, the simulated tasks still allow the student to practice skills related to the job as well as get a feel for their skill and interest in this area.
- Here are some of the resources I have created!
- Google Forms - I typically had students reflect on the job using forms so I knew the work was completed, as well as had a record of what they did and their preference. I usually began the form by having the student recall some information about the job (e.g., job title, tasks completed at this job, etc.) then asked them to indicate if this is a job they would like to try in the future. I also at times put in questions which required the student to demonstrate that they knew how to perform the task - e.g., determining if shelves were stocked correctly, identifying the proper cleaning tools needed for a job, data entry, etc.
- Suggestions for Simulating Jobs at Home
3. Putting it all together: In the spring I generally did the following:
- Question of the Day Related to the job I planned to address *I used a combination of Vocational Questions of the Day from Adulting Made Easy as well as questions I created specifically for my own learners.
- Simple written explanation and/or a video about the job (See #1 above)
- Simulated, Interactive Job Tasks (See #2 above)
- Reflection: Some of this was done verbally or via chat features during a live lesson, other times this was completed via a google form.

Back to School 2020: May Your Reinforcer Game Be Strong
Tuesday, August 11, 2020Published Post
08/11/2020, 23:31 PM
May Your Reinforcers Be Strong 💪🏻 Back to School 2020
Look guys - we have all been saying it... this year will be unlike any other school year. For me personally, the learners I work with have been home, many with a reduced demand level, with new stressors, without a routine or with MAJOR changes to their routines for SIX MONTHS! We absolutely have to think of this every morning when we walk in that door. This is what we and more importantly what our STUDENTS are up against.